Elegant Theme Collections Store

Eva WP stylish themes

It’s a light and minimal responsive blogging theme that helps to showcase your content nicely. With the support of Gutenberg blocks and Customizer, you can build a minimal website within a minutes. This theme provides multiple popular features like Featured post carousel ( Homepage slider ), Sidebar Layout, Breadcrumb, Scroll options, Color settings, post layout, banner options, background settings, and many more. If you’re familiar with Elementor builder, it will fully compatible with this and can import readymade templates within a single click. For live demo. check it out: https://demos.evawp.com/sites/evawp/ More details here: https://evawp.com/wordpress-themes/evawp/

Themes must be compatible with the GNU General Public License

Although any GPL-compatible license is acceptable, using the same license as WordPress — “GPLv2 or later” — is strongly recommended.

  • Include copyright information for the theme itself.
  • Include license, copyright information, and source for all resources included, such as fonts or images (For assets in the public domain, copyright information is excluded).
  • Provide a list of all resources in one file.
  • All code and design must be your own or legally yours. Cloning of designs is not acceptable.
  • Copyright statements on the front end must only display the user’s copyright, not the theme author’s copyright.
  1. Log in to WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. Hover Appearance and click Themes sub-section.

    Hover Appearance and click Themes

  3. Click Add New button

    Click Add New button

  4. Insert the keyword – EvaWP – in the search bar.
  5. Find the EvaWPp WordPress theme from the search result and click the Install button.

    Install EvaWP theme

  6. Click activate button to switch to EvaWP theme.

    Activate EvaWP theme

  7. You can now click on Customize button to personalize the website.

    Customizing EvaWP theme

  1. Hover Appearance and click on Themes sub-section.
  2. Click Add New button and then Upload Theme button.

    Click Upload Themes

  3. Click Choose File button to upload the archive file.

    Choose archive file

  4. A dialog box will pop up. Head on to the location where the EvaWP theme is stored. Select the theme and then upload it.
  5. Click Install Now button.

    install evawp theme through archive file

  6. Wait for a few moments to get the theme installed. After successful installation, click activate link to switch to the EvaWP theme.

    installing theme from uploaded file

  7. For free theme, you can click on Customize button to personalize the website.

    Customizing EvaWP theme

  1. Unzip the archive file.
  2. Using an FTP client software access your web host server.
  3. Upload the theme folder to location – /wp-content/themes.
  4. Head back to WordPress Admin Dashboard. Hover on Appearance and click on Theme sub-section.

    Hover Appearance and click Themes

  5. You can find the uploaded EvaWP WordPress theme in the list.
  6. Hover on the theme and click the Activate button.

    Activate EvaWP theme

  7. For a free theme, you can click on Customize button to personalize the website.

    Customizing EvaWP theme

  1. For the pro version, after you click the activate button, you get a form to fill out the license key.

    activate theme using license

  2. Fill up the license key and then click Agree and Activate License button. You can now click on Customize to personalize the theme.

You will get the demo in a .xml file format in every purchase of the EvaWP Plus theme. To import the demo follow the following steps:

  1. Hover to tools and then click import.

    hover tools and click import

  2. Find WordPress in the list of importers.
  3. If the plugin is not installed then click Install Now link.

    install wordpress importer

  4. Wait for a while till it gets installed.
  5. Click on Run Importer link.

    run importer

  6. Now click on Choose File button and upload your preferred demo.
  7. Finally, click on Upload file and Import button to import the demo.

    upload demo file

You can view demos here: https://demos.evawp.com/sites/evawp/

Coming soon.

To personalize Site identity, follow following steps:

  1. Hover Appearance and click customize button.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click Site Identity. You will get a list of options to customize on Side Identity.

    evawp site identitycustomizing site identity

  3. Upload the business’s logo by clicking on Select logo button.

    select logo for site identity

  4. Set the website’s title, and tagline. Check Display Site Title and Tagline to display it. Additionally, you can set Site Title’s color.

    configuring site title and tagline

  5. Upload the desired site icon by clicking on Select site icon button.

    select site icon

  6. Now, you can click Publish button or click “less than” symbol to go back and configure other settings.

    publishing site identity
  1. Hover Appearance and click customize button.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click General Options and then Footer Options.

    Click General OptionsClick Footer Options

  3. Choose no. of footer columns for your website. {The theme supports up to four columns.}
  4. Under the Copyright section, write up the text to mention the copyright.

    configure footer

  5. Now, you can click Publish button or click “less than” symbol to go back and configure other settings.

    saving footer configuration
  1. Hover Appearance and Click on the customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on the Widgets section.

    Click Widgets
  3. You will find Footer widget areas. The footer areas will be activated as per the column you have to choose from the footer section option. Click on the desired footer widget area.

    click on footer widget area

  4. Click on add widget button.

    click on add widget
  5. It will display available widgets on the right side of the panel.

    widget lists

  6. Choose and set up the desired widget.
  7. Click on done once finished.

    setting up widget

  8. To remove the widget, click on the footer widget area where the widget is displayed.
  9. Expand the widget that you want to remove.
  10. Then click delete to remove the widget.

  11. Now, you can click Publish button or click the “less than” symbol to go back and configure other settings.

  1. Hover on the Appearance tab and click on the Widgets section.

    hover Appearance and click widgets

  2. The following screen will display available widgets and locations that support widgets.

    widget screen

  3. Now, drag the widget from the left part and drop it under the Footer widget area.
  4. Set up the widget and click on Save button.

    set up widget

  5. If you want to remove the widget, you can drag it towards the left side of the screen. Or
  6. You can expand the widget and then click on delete.

    deleting widget
  1. Hover on the Appearance and click on the customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on the Menu tab.

    tap menus

  3. Click on the Create New Menu button.

    create new menu

  4. Name the menu and select where you would like to display it, in the Menu Locations section. Click the Next button to start adding items.

    name menu and set location to display

  5. Click the Add Items button. Items arranged as per Pages, posts, Category, Tags, Custom Links, etc – will pop up at the right side of the customizer panel.

    click on add items and pages and posts will pop up in right side

  6. Click the headings to expand the selection and finally click the “+” symbol to add the required items in the menu.

    click on heading and add symbol to add in the menu

  7. To create a submenu, click the item and drag it to the right side.

    drag to right side to make submenu

  8. Repeat the procedure to create menus for all locations.
  9. Finally, click the publish button to save the configuration and publish it live.

    click publish to save the configuration
  1. Hover on the Appearance and click on Menu section.Hover Appearance and click menu
  2. Name the Menu and then choose the desired display location. If you would like to add new top-level pages then choose the “auto add pages” option. Click the Create Menu button.create new menu through wordpress dashboard
  3. Now choose the desired items from “Add menu items”. Click the D”Add to Menu” button to add.add menu items
  4. Finally, click the Save Menu button to save it.save menu
  5. Repeat the procedure to create menus for all locations.
  1. Hover Appearance and click Customize section

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on General Options and then color options

    Click General Optionsclick color options

  3. Choose desired color – Primary or Secondary, and Click Select Color to display the color palette. Set up the color as per your brand color.

    select color

  4. Lastly, click publish to save the configuration or click back to configure other options.

    save color options

  1. Hover Appearance and click Customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click General Options and then Background Image.

    click background image

  3. Click Select Image to insert a background image.

    select background image

  4. Either upload the image or select from the media library. Then, click the Choose Image button.
  5. You will then get the Preset option to configure the background image. The theme provides five different presets – Default, Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Repeat, and Custom. These preset come with additional options to adjust the background image.

    background image preset

  6. Fill Screen: with this preset, you can set the image position.

    Fill Screen

  7. Fit to Screen: with this preset, you can set image position along with the option to repeat the background image.

    Fit to screen

  8. Repeat: with this preset, you can set image position along with the option to scroll with page.


  9. Custom: with this preset, you can set image position, image size – original, Fill screen, and fit to screen. You can also enable or disable the option to repeat background image and scroll with page.


  10. Click Remove button to remove the background image.
  11. Click Change Image button to change the image.

    remove or change image
  1. Hover on Appearance and click on customize section

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click typography options and set desired typography style for

    1. Headings

    2. Site Identity

    3. Body

    4. Menu

    5. Post Title

    6. Widget Title

    7. Widget Content

      click typography

  3. Click on the topic to set personalized the typography style. You can find options:

    1. Font Family: Set the desired font from the provided list.

      font family

    2. Font Size: Drag the slider to set the appropriate size.

      font size

    3. Font Style: Set the appropriate style – Normal, Inherit, or Italic.

      font style

    4. Font Weight: Set the appropriate font weight (100-800).

      font weight

    5. Letter Spacing (px): Set the best spacing (1px-10px).

      letter spacing

    6. Line Height: Set the appropriate height (1-4).

      letter height

    7. Text Transform: Transform the text to capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, or initial as per your need.

      text transform

  1. Hover Appearance and click on Customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on Homepage Settings.

    Homepage settings

  3. Select Your latest posts to set your blog archive page as a homepage.
  4. If you want to make it a fixed static page then select a static page.

    select latest posts or fixed static page

  5. As you select a static page, the options to set the homepage and post page will be displayed.
  6. Choose the appropriate pages

    Set Homepage and blog page

  7. Lastly, click publish to save the configuration or click back to configure other options.

    Click Publish
  1. Hover Appearance and click on Customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click General Options and then Banner Options.

    Click General Optionsclick on banner options

  3. Click Add new image.

    add new image

  4. Upload the image or select the desired image.
  5. Click select and crop button.

    click select and crop button

  6. Click skip cropping button to skip or adjust the desired image size and click crop image button.

  7. The image is will be displayed in the banner section of the individual page.
  8. If you want to remove then click on Hide Image button.

    remove header image
  1. Hover Appearance and click customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click front page options and then slider options.

    Click Front Page Optionsslider option

  3. Toggle the Enable option to enable and personalize the slider.

    enable slider options

  4. The available options are:

    slider options
    1. Featured News Type: Choose whether you would like to display the latest post or posts from a certain category.
    2. Enable Arrow: Toggle the option as per your requirement.
    3. Enable Dots: Toggle the option as per your requirement.
    4. Enable Auto Play: This option enables the autoplay option.
    5. Loop Slides: This option enables to loop slide.
    6. Slide to Show: choose the no of posts that you would like to display.
    7. Slide to scroll: choose the no of posts that you would like to slide.
    8. Auto Play Speed – Determine the speed of slides when autoplay is enabled.
    9. Auto Play Speed – Determine the speed of Slide/Fade animation when autoplay is enabled.
  1. Hover Appearance and click Customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click General Options and then Post Option.

    Click General OptionsClick Post Options

  3. Set up the following options as per your requirement.

    Post Options

    Excerpt length: choose the desired Excerpt length. the default value is 30.
    Read more text: You can change Read more text to any other meaning words.
    Post per row: Select the desire no of posts per row (from 1 to 4).
  1. Hover Appearance and click on Customize section

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click General Options and then Breadcrumb Options

    Click General OptionsBreadcrumb option

  3. Enable the option to activate Breadcrumb on your website.
  4. Personalize the appearance by setting the following options

    Breadcrumb options

    1. Separator: Choose from the available separator as per your requirement.
    2. Font size: Set the appropriate font size.
  1. Hover Appearance and click customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on General Options and then Scroll to Top Options.

    Click General Optionsscroll to top option

  3. Toggle the enable option to activate the Scroll to Top Option on your website.
  4. Personalize the appearance by setting the following options

    scroll to top options

    • Background color: Click the Select Color button to choose the background color.
    • Hover Background color: Click the Select Color button to choose the background color on the hover.
    • Icon Color: Click the Select Color button to choose icon color.
    • Icon Hover Color: Click the Select Color button to choose icon color on hover.
    • Icon: Choose Icon from the available icons.
    • Button Border Radius: Set the border-radius from o to 50 as per your requirement. 0 for perfect square and 50 for circle.
  1. Hover Appearance and click customize section.

    hover Appearance and click customize

  2. Click on General Options and then Site Options.

    Click General Optionssite option

  3. You can personalize the following options to your website.

    site options

    • Preloader: Toggle the Enable Preloader option to active preloader on your website.
    • Pagination: The theme supports two pagination systems – number base and Load more (ajax). Set the desired option for your website.
    • Text for load more button: Write the text that you would like to have in the load more button.
    • Site Layout: The theme provides two layouts – boxed and plain (default). Choose the desired option for your website.