Elegant Theme Collections Store

Whichever support plan is chosen it is important to keep in mind that our support is limited to our themes. Support does not include personalization services or modifications that require editing template code of the Theme.


Available To All Active Customers

Reply Time – 2 business days

Theme Installation

Fixing Bugs


Advanced Customer Support & Support for free theme version users


Reply Time – within 24 Hours

Theme Installation

Fixing Bugs

Minor Customization*

Install Demo Content

General Questions

Please note: the purchase is valid for one year and only for one of our themes.

* CSS changes only


Your new site will look exactly like the demo site


Reply Time – within 24 Hours

Theme Installation

Install Demo Content

You can’t install the theme?

If you purchased a theme from us, you can expect to install it for free. Just send a request .

Please note that a theme installation does not mean setup demo content as like on a demo site. The theme install includes theme packed file upload and theme activate on your website via dashboard. Additionally, but not necessarily, it can includes setup a sample menu, Homepage, and created few sample pages.

Do you need to set up a theme like on a demo site?

If you want your site look like a demo site of the theme, then you need to purchase the Demo Setup service (see above) or the Setup Plus service from us.

What do different support plans mean?

Standard Support

Standard support is offered with all premium themes, and available to all active customers. It includes theme installation, answering the setup questions, questions about the use of theme and bug fixing.

Priority Support

On top of the Standard plan, Priority Support includes answers to the more advanced usage, general questions about WordPress functionality, hacks and tricks tips, faster responses (less than 24 hours of waiting), and theme and demo data installation. And it great option for free product users.

Free Support

You are always welcome to ask questions at the WordPress.org theme support forum, even if you haven’t purchased anything from DinevThemes. But in that case keep in mind, that the answer from us is not guaranteed.

Do you still have questions or have a pre-sale question?


EvaWP, a clean and elegant WordPress themes for Bloggers and businesses.

©2021 EvaWP Store. All rights reserved.